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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry
P7 Confirmation today in Holy Trinity Church.
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Safe Guarding

  1. Guidance and Legislation: The Department of Education provides comprehensive guidance on safeguarding and child protection in schools. 

  2. Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI): The SBNI coordinates efforts to protect and promote the welfare of children. It includes representatives from various sectors such as health, social care, police, and education.

  3. Policies and Procedures: Holy Trinity has clear policies and procedures in place to safeguard children. This includes protocols for reporting and managing concerns about a child's welfare. We are very proud of our CPOMS system in place.

  4. Training and Support: Staff in school receive regular training on safeguarding issues to ensure they are equipped to identify and respond to potential risks.

  5. Collaboration: Effective safeguarding requires collaboration between school, parents, and external agencies to ensure a holistic approach to child protection.