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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry
P7 Confirmation today in Holy Trinity Church.
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Welcome Parents and Carers!
Internet safety is a very important part of life in Holy Trinity. We hold three very special awards. We obtained the 360 Degree Safe Award from SWGFL in December 2022 and 2019. We were the first school in Northern Ireland to be awarded the CR-IS (Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety) badge from Digital Schools! Most recently we won the NAPCE Pastoral Development of the Year 2024 for our comprehensive esafety program.

eSafetysaurus is our eSafety mascot for our school, designed by our children. He helps us learn how to stay safe online. Every month we have a special eSafety code that we learn about. The children hear about it in their classroom activities and also at assemblies with our Digital Leaders. Chat to your child each month about our code and look out for our esafety monthly bulletin.

Our ICT Mission Statement
Holy Trinity believes in the holistic development of the child to his/her potential. We will provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum to help children become digital citizens, digital makers and digital workers of the future.

At Holy Trinity Primary School our vision is to create motivated 'life-long' learners through the use of ICT to enhance and extend learning and teaching across the whole curriculum. As ICT is continually developing and new technologies emerging, we as a school will strive to give all children the digital skills to prepare them for a future in which Using ICT is an integral part of society.

Below you will find useful information to help keep your child safe online.



The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.