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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry
P7 Confirmation today in Holy Trinity Church.
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Mission Statement

Holy Trinity is committed to providing to all pupils, particularly the more vulnerable, the highest level of pastoral care in a safe, caring and attractive learning environment.  The school holds all pupils in the highest esteem and considers it essential that all play a full and integrated part in the life of the school.

The school believes in the holistic development of the child to his/her potential.  It will provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum.  Holy Trinity is committed to having high expectations for academic achievement, good conduct, sport and the creative arts.  The school has identified extra curricular activities suited to the interests of all pupils as being of particular value in the life of the school.

The school will seek to promote attitudes and values according to the Catholic tradition in harmony with the school chaplain.  The school will endeavour to foster personal and collective integrity, among staff, pupils and in all aspects of the work of the school.

Holy Trinity regards our parents as valued and respected educational partners who are made to feel welcome at the school.  The school will provide regular feedback to parents on the progress of pupils and, offer to them any other relevant pastoral guidance.  The school places considerable importance upon its links with the parish – especially with regard to sacramental preparation, The Mass and communications in the parish bulletin.  Holy Trinity is proud of its cross community links  and its links to feeder, second level schools and outside agencies.

Policy for Enrolment in Holy Trinity Primary School

Holy Trinity Primary School strives to achieve, and is proud to maintain, a strong ethos of excellence in all of those areas which a modern and forward-thinking school needs to embrace, including the key areas of pastoral care, academic achievement and sporting prowess.

Holy Trinity Primary School occupies a prestigious site on the edge of Holy Trinity parish, nestling under the Black Mountain and enjoying a panoramic view of Belfast.  In addition to our rolling lawns we have four all-weather playgrounds and two modern gymnasia.  Our pupils have access to the sporting facilities of the GAA club which abuts the school premises, Gortnamona GAC and a fantastic 3G pitch on site. The school is equipped with a computer suite, up-to-date technology, including an interactive whiteboard in every classroom, a sensory garden and a well-stocked library.

It is our policy as a Catholic school, with a highly committed and talented staff, to promote Christian values and attitudes and to help each child to develop and to achieve his or her spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical potential.

We regard our parents as partners and seek to involve them closely in their children’s education. Regular opportunities are provided  to meet the child’s teachers and to become actively involved in the life of the school.  Our recently refurbished parents’ room provides an excellent opportunity to relax, meet other parents and/or participate in one of the wide range of parents’ courses that we provide.

Parents who choose Holy Trinity Primary School will select a school with an enviable academic record.  We are committed to developing  each child to his or her potential through provision of the Revised Curriculum. The school places a strong emphasis on Numeracy, Literacy and Using ICT and a rigorous system of monitoring and evaluation has been embedded. We value Music highly. Our pupils also receive tuition from the City of Belfast School of Music and are encouraged to perform regularly in public.

The school provides a Breakfast Club along with a wide range of after school clubs. We provide an annual school concert, Prize Giving Ceremony and Sports Days.

In addition to our mainstream classes Holy Trinity Primary School has a Nurture Unit and six SPL Classes for children with Moderate Learning Difficulties.  The school is well placed to meet the needs of your child in the modern world.


The online portal for parents to apply for a place for their child in P1 for  September  2025 will open on Friday 10th January 2025.

The Education Authority have  introduced online applications for admissions to Nursery and Primary schools.

The application procedure opens on 10th  January 2025 at 12 noon and the closing date for admissions will be 12 noon on 24th  January 2025.

Parents will continue to provide birth certificates and other verifying documents to their first preference school.

If you do require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 02890616465.

EA Website with further information. Click here.

Admissions Criteria for Holy Trinity Primary School- Applications for P1 2025

The criteria for Holy Trinity is given below. You should use this criterial when completing your online application. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further information. 

     Admissions Criteria for Holy Trinity Primary School Respective Functions

The Board of Governors has drawn up the school’s admissions criteria and has delegated to the Principal its function and responsibility in relation to the application of the criteria and the admission of pupils to the school.

Priority will be given to children who have attained compulsory school age at the time of their proposed admission, over those who will not have attained compulsory school age at the time of their proposed admission. In selecting children for admission, children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of the proposed admission will be selected for admission to the school before any child not so resident.

Admission criteria:

  • Children of compulsory school age (born between 2 July 2020 and 1 July 2021) who normally reside in the parish of Holy Trinity.
  • Children who have brothers/sisters, half-brothers/sisters and/or other children living permanently at the same address presently enrolled in the school. (Indicate name and year group)
  • Children whose parent/guardian, brother/sister, half-brother/sister are prior pupils of the school. (Indicate name and dates of attendance)
  • Children whose parent/guardian is presently a permanent member of the school teaching/ancillary/auxiliary staff
  • Children of compulsory school age from other areas.

If over-subscribed in any one of the above criteria, taken in order, final selection will be on the basis of the closeness of the child’s permanent home address to the centre of the school as measured by a straight line using the computer generated Ordnance Survey Map.

In the event of two or more children’s permanent residence being measured equal distance for the final place, children will be selected by age with the oldest being selected first.

When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on the application or provided directly to the school. Parents/Guardians should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the school’s admissions criteria is stated on the application or provided directly to the first preference school.  Examples of such information include whether the child has brothers/sisters attending the school, or is the eldest child in the family.

Additional Information regarding Admissions Criteria can be found on the EA website.


Holy Trinity Open Day