NAACE ICT Mark Award 2024, 2021, 2018, 2014, 2011
Holy Trinity receives the NAACE Mark for the 5th time!
On 18th June 2024 Mr Gavin Hawkins, chair of NAACE (National Association for Education Technology) carried out a very comprehensive ICT assessment at our school. He commented that 'The school is clear in its vision that technology is integral to a changing world. Leaders are determined that children should be prepared for this as much as possible, with curriculum and wider opportunities explored to ensure that skills should be developed, which support future education and beyond. The impact of subject leadership within the management of education technology is highly significant.'
He met with our children, teachers, assistants and parents to discuss the impact of ICT across our school. He saw our children hard at work using Book Creator, beebots, Micro:Bits, Adobe, Microsoft Sway, Just2Easy and the PE Programme. Our Digital Leaders enjoyed showing him the brilliant work they have been doing and telling him about our esafety codes. A huge congratulations to all and a special thank you to the teachers and children who welcomed Mr Hawkins into their room.
Thank you to Mrs Rooney and Miss Mc Laughlin for preparing the comprehensive Naace Self Review Framework for submission.

360 Degree Safe Online Safety Mark 2022, 2019
Holy Trinity Primary School are delighted to be awarded the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Mark for the second time from South West Grid For Learning. This prestigious award recognises the comprehensive program of work in the school in relation to esafety.
The assessor Mr Ron Richards from SWGfL was impressed with ‘how the school has continued to improve its online safety provision and that the school remains at (and in many places, above) Online Safety Mark benchmark levels. ‘
Holy Trinity are very proud of the education program we have in place to teach our children about esafety. Our mascot eSafetysaurus is a regular visitor at assemblies and events and the monthly codes help drive the esafety message forward. Mrs Boyd is always very focussed on staff development and ensures parents receive effective information to help them navigate the digital world.
We would like to thank Mrs Rooney and Miss Mc Laughlin for submitting the detailed review and evidence to SWGfL. The submission covered four main elements relating to: Policy and Leadership, Education, Technology and Outcomes.
We would also like to thank our teaching staff, Governors, parents and of course our children for their continued support and work on esafety across the school and community. Our Digital Leaders are a great team who help us deliver our esafety messages at regular times throughout the year.
Well done to all at Holy Trinity!

Digital Schools Award Northern Ireland
Digital Schools Awards Northern Ireland is a national awards programme which promotes, recognises and encourages a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in primary schools. This prestigious award is supported by the Department of Education Northern Ireland and industry partners HP, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Microsoft and Intel.
Holy Trinity were the first school in Northern Ireland to get the associated CR-IS (Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety) Badge from Digital Schools to provide education professionals with the resources and support needed to help pupils stay safe in the digital world. The Badge is backed by technology companies HP, Microsoft and RM Education with the support of C2K and the Department of Education. The Assessor Dr Victor Mc Nair reported that in Holy Trinity:
‘It was clear that the team recognise the importance of building good cyber resilience and esafety awareness in early years so that the inevitable increase in internet use as their pupils get older will be tempered by good habits and understanding. This, for me, is perhaps the most striking part of the school’s vision. The multi-level approach has resulted in a strong culture of cyber resilience and internet safety.’

Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award
It is awarded by Nurture UK to schools who can demonstrate, through rigorous examination of evidence and practice, that nurturing principles are applied, not only in the nurture group class but to the whole school. The nurture group class provides a safe place for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs and concentrates on developing skills such as turn taking, listening, sharing, good manners and managing emotions to ensure they are more settled and in a happier place to better cope with the demands of school.
Holy Trinity first received this prestigious award in June 2015 by the assessor, Wendy Roden from Nurture UK. Wendy observed, “The adult support for the children’s emotional, social and cognitive development was clear during the visit and through evidence provided. The overwhelming feeling was of warmth and sensitivity, not only for the children, but the school community including parents, carers and all staff.”
The school was awarded the Majorie Boxall Quality Mark Award again in June 2023. The assessor was very impressed with the nurture provision provided in the nurture group and throughout the school. The school was delighted to receive official recognition for embedding a nurture culture that responds to the social, emotional and mental health needs of our pupils. The assessor’s only one recommendation was to apply for the National Nurturing Schools Award.
Thank you to Mrs Heffernan and Mrs Mc Callum for their dedication and care in our Sunshine Room.

NIFSA Northern Ireland Forest School Association
The Lord Mayor, Micky Murray, welcomed our delegates and also presented a NIFSA plaque to Holy Trinity for achieving their Level 3 in Leadership in Forest School. Thank you to Miss Mc Laughlin and Mr Sweeney and their classes for their extensive outdoor learning work.
NAPCE (National Award for Pastoral Care in Education)
Holy Trinity were delighted to be awarded the prestigious NAPCE Pastoral Development of the Year 2024 award for our esafety pastoral initiative that has achieved positive outcomes and has improved the learning experience and future life chances, for our children.

Benemerenti Award
Mrs Boyd, our Principal, received the Benemerenti Medal awarded by Pope Francis as a recognition of outstanding service to Catholic Education in the parish, particularly during the pandemic. Mrs Boyd was recognised by the Pope for her exceptional pastoral care of children, parents and staff during this very difficult period. We are so proud of her, this award is only held by sixty people in the world during Pope Francis’ reign and we are delighted that Mrs Boyd’s work has been recognised. She gives so much of herself to others and is a very special person! The day was made even more special as her Mum, husband Joe and family, Holy Trinity staff and Governors and Father Brendan were all there to celebrate with her.
Congratulations Mrs Boyd!