Our School

Holy Trinity Primary School is situated on a large open site on the Black Mountain in Belfast. In addition to bright modern classrooms, each containing an interactive whiteboard, there are extensive play areas, two Assembly Halls, a Library, an Accelerated Reading room, an ICT Suite, a Sensory Room, a 3G pitch and numerous Resource Rooms.
Parents who choose Holy Trinity Primary School for their child’s education have chosen a school with an enviable track record. The “happy family” ethos of the school encourages a high level of academic achievement and enhances each pupil’s personal development within Catholic attitudes and values. Our academic achievements are a source of great pride for our children, parents and teachers. High standards are emphasised, particularly in Maths, English and Using ICT. Parents are always very welcome and you will have many opportunities to meet your child’s teacher and to see their work and the work of the other children in the school.
We organise a wide variety of courses for our parents, including training in Parenting Matters, Mathematics, First Aid and Internet Safety. These courses are always extremely popular and the parents who attend them find them extremely beneficial and worthwhile.
If you would like your child to attend Holy Trinity Primary School, telephone 02890616465 / 02890612266 or pick up an application form any weekday from our General Office.
School Hours : School will finish for all mainstream children at 1:45pm on Mondays
P1 – P2 | P3- P7 | |
Morning | 8:45 am – 11.50am | 8:45am – 12.25pm |
Lunch | 11.50am – 12.25pm | 12.25 pm – 1.00 pm |
Afternoon | 12.25pm – 2.00pm | 1.00 pm – 2:30 pm |
Holy Trinity Primary School has a fine tradition of sporting success. Our pupils train extremely hard throughout the year to finely hone their sporting skills and they compete in a wide variety of competitions and leagues. These occasions provide valuable experience in the development of our pupils and we are very fortunate to have a 3G pitch to practice on. When they participate in Sport, pupils learn skills and important qualities such as team spirit and self-discipline. At present, our school is represented by a boys’ and girls’ Gaelic football team, a cross country team, a camogie team and a basketball team. The wealth of silverware that these teams have accrued is testament to the high level of coaching that they receive. Within school, Mr Sweeney, Mr Hackett, Mrs McKenna and Miss O’Brien train the pupils in after-school clubs. Gort na Mona, who have strong links with our school, also provide experienced coaches to assist with extra-curricular activities. This partnership has proved to be extremely successful and has provided our pupils with a solid foundation on which to build their future sporting skills. We also avail of external coaching from MR Sports, an independent provider, who offer a broad range of after school activities including soccer, gymnastics and basketball.
The Arts
At our school, Music is an integral part of our pupil’s education and personal growth. We gather each month to prepare uplifting hymns and songs to sing at monthly Mass. This brings opportunities to engage in singing and to foster musical abilities from a young age.
Our P4 year group receive ‘Fun Brass’ each half term and P5- P7 receive individual Brass tuition weekly, all from our tutor from the City of Belfast School of Music. We are very proud of our P7 school show that is each year, and these enable our children to showcase their talents.
Our vibrant Choir (P5-P7) meet weekly with Mrs Mc Kinney and perform at various events throughout the year providing beautiful sounds and performances such as Carol Singing at the Christmas Concert and the local shopping centres, bringing joy to the wider community. Each year we join over 3000 other children from all over Northern Ireland at the Peace Proms Concert – a spectacular experience they will never forget!
Furthermore, we believe that music is a learning tool making lessons more engaging and memorable.
UICT (Using Information and Communications Technology.)
Holy Trinity believes in the holistic development of the child to his/her potential. We will provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum to help children become digital citizens, digital makers and digital workers of the future. At Holy Trinity Primary School our vision is to create motivated ‘life-long’ learners through the use of ICT to enhance and extend learning and teaching across the whole curriculum. As ICT is continually developing and new technologies emerging, we as a school will strive to give all our children the digital skills to prepare them for a future in which Using ICT is an integral part of society.
We have interactive whiteboards in every class and the children benefit from the wealth of ICT Resources we have in school. We have a Computer Suite with access to 32 PCs and laptops. Mrs Rooney, our ICT specialist, is based in the Computer Suite where children receive a weekly ICT lesson to develop their skills. They work on the 5Es (Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit) and complete many tasks linked to the CCEA Desirable Features.
We have many exciting tools for use, such as green screen, easi speak microphones, Flip Camcorders, beebots, probots, Micro:bits and a variety of exciting software opportunities. We are delighted to have a class set of iPads for every year group in the school. The school subscribes to the ‘Bug Club’ website for P1-P4, which gives our children access to a wide variety of online reading books. Our P5-P7s are involved with the Accelerated Reading Program and TTRS. We subscribe to ‘Education City’ which provides a wealth of curriculum games and learning opportunities.
The school recognises the value of technology and we want to harness the children’s interest through emerging technologies.
Charity Fundraising
The generosity of our pupils, parents and members of the Holy Trinity community is made evident every year through the charity fundraising that is carried out within school. Our principal campaign is for Trocaire and through their dedicated and concerted efforts the children manage to raise fantastic amounts every year. During our Holy Week celebrations we invite a representative from Trocaire to receive the donation and give the pupils a short presentation on how their money will be spent. Another worthwhile charity that is supported by our school is the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children. Every year our pupils from P5 work tirelessly to raise funds for this important cause and they also participate in the sponsored walk through Ormeau Park.
Celebrating Success
In Holy Trinity Primary School we are keen to celebrate all of the achievements of our pupils. Every week we have an assembly for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. During these assemblies Mrs Boyd presents certificates to our Pupils of the Week. In June, we also hold a Prize-giving Ceremony in which we reward the recipients with a certificate, trophy and a book token. This event is organised to showcase the fantastic achievements of a huge number of our children during the past year. Prize-winners are selected for academic, musical, ICT and sporting success. It is a very special occasion that is shared by the school community and visiting dignitaries and provides many of our pupils with special memories.
Sensory Garden
We have a beautiful Sensory garden here at Holy Trinity. It was opened in March 2008 and Mr Deornellas led the initiative. We now have a sensory garden with different areas:
A touch garden, A sight garden, A smell garden, A taste garden, A sound garden, A minibeast area, Raised growing beds, A pond, A compost area (wormery) A butterfly garden, A weather station.
During Outdoor Learning the children plant a wide range of herbs, vegetables, bedding plants, fruit trees, shrubs etc. Paths were laid to enable children to walk around the area and benches were situated within the site. KS2 pupils decided on plants etc for their smell, colour texture etc.
Classes visit the area and study growth throughout the different seasons. They explore the different textures, smells, sounds, colours etc through project work. They taste the different fruit and vegetables grown- related to our Being Healthy project.
Pupils and staff maintain the sensory garden as part of Outdoor Learning and have added a small firepit area where we love to toast marshmallows and make smores.
Community Links
We are very proud of the many links we have across our community.
- Holy Trinity Church
- De La Salle Centre
- Holy Trinity Youth Club
- Holy Trinity Boxing Club
- Girl Guides/Scouts
- Whiterock Library
- Ardmonagh
- Holy Trinity Family Centre
- West Belfast Partnership Board
- Whiterock/ Blackie Hub
- Healthy Living Centre
- Andersonstown leisure centre
- Whiterock leisure centre
- Park Centre
- Monagh Developments
- Education Authority
- Department of Education
- Education Welfare Officers
- Social Services
- CLA team
- Attach Project team.
- Psychology
- Peripatetic service for visual and hearing impaired.
- Outreach service- Clarawood, Harberton, St Gerard’s
- Autism NI
- Shine
- SENsations
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Nurture Network
- Barnardos
- Relate
- Music Therapy
- School of Music
- Sustrans
- PlayBoard
- BT
- Translink
- Emergency Services
- Action Mental Health
Educational links
- Sure Start
- Nursery School Links- St Martin’s, Matt Talbot, St Bernadette’s, Ardmonagh,
- Feeder post primary Schools- St Mary’s, La Salle, Rathmore, St Dominic’s, St Malachy’s St Louise’s (Drama, Junior ICT Apprentice- participation in an E Learning programme), All Saints, De La Salle, St Genevieve’s
- Work Placement students- from feeder post primary schools
- NVQ students- Worknet, Workforce, BIFHE, Upper Springfield, Dairy Farm.
- Further Education Colleges-St Mary’s,/Stranmillis College,, Hope University, Edgehill University.
- Queens University Belfast Medical Students -Professor Fluffy, SENTINUS,
- West Belfast Principal’s Group
- Renaissance- Partner school
- Price Waterhouse Cooper
- School of Music
- Peace Proms
- British Council- Connecting Classrooms
- St Andrew’s - Uganda
- Links with local Business- Bank, Sainsbury’s
- Schools Library Service
- Credit Union-
- Belfast Council and Ulster wildlife Park Life Education
- Belfast Feis- Glor na Mona
- Recycling Bus
- Heartstart
- Barnardos All Star programme
Sporting Links
- Gaelfast
- Gort na Mona GAA Club
- St Paul’s GAA club
- Cumann na Mbunscoil league- Gaelic football Boys and Girls, Hurling, Camogie
- Newhill
- Holy Trinity Youth Club
- Basketball
- Antrim County coaches
- Ulster Sporting Council
- Belfast City Council- coaches, Cross Country
- Belfast Harlequins
- Ulster Rugby Estonians
- Ulster Tennis- Belfast City Council
- Belfast Giants
- Leisure Centres
- Freddie Fitness
- Target sports
- Salto
Links with Charities
- St Andrew’s Uganda
- Northern Ireland Children’s Cancer
- Macmillan Fund
- St Vincent de Paul
- Trocaire
- Habitat for Humanity