Using ICT
Using ICT is one of the three Cross-Curricular Skills at the heart of the curriculum. Developing pupils’ digital skills encourages them to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and be creative in using digital technology.
We provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum to help children become digital citizens, digital makers and digital workers of the future. At Holy Trinity Primary School our vision is to create motivated ‘life-long’ learners through the use of ICT to enhance and extend learning and teaching across the whole curriculum.
We have interactive whiteboards in every class and the children benefit from the wealth of ICT Resources we have in school. We have a Computer Suite with access to 32 PCs and laptops. Mrs Rooney, our ICT specialist, is based in the Computer Suite where children receive a weekly ICT lesson to develop their skills. They work on the 5Es (Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit) and complete many tasks linked to the CCEA Desirable Features.
Children also learn about our comprehensive esafety codes each month.
We have many exciting tools for use, such as green screen, easi speak microphones, Flip Camcorders, beebots, probots, Micro:bits and a variety of exciting software opportunities. We are delighted to have a class set of iPads for every year group in the school.
The school recognises the value of technology and we want to harness the children’s interest through emerging technologies. We are very proud to hold the Naace Mark, the 360 Degree Safe award for esafety, The CR-IS Badge (Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety) and the NAPCE Pastoral Award 2024.