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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry
P7 Confirmation today in Holy Trinity Church.
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Physical Education

Through a broad and balanced Physical Education programme, children develop their knowledge, understanding and skills, enabling them to participate and  perform competently and confidently in a range of physical activities. All children should experience a sense of fun, enjoyment and achievement through a variety of
progressively challenging and innovative activities. Physical Education provides rich opportunities for children to think in different ways, to be creative and imaginative, allowing them to express their feelings and interpretations through a variety of movement contexts. They have opportunities to explore, plan, practise, improve, perform, evaluate and appreciate the performances of themselves and others.

Children experience activities in:

  • Athletics
  • Dance
  • Games
  • Gymnastics

We are very fortunate to have a 3G pitch which was completed in 2017 and is shared with Gort na Mona GAA club.  Our children attend swimming lessons in Whiterock Leisure Centre and receive many coaching sessions from visiting coaches to the school. We also have frequent visits from Fitness Freddy and take part in Cross Country. We subscribe to the Core NI Programme to help develop skills. 

The school was highly commended during an Inspection in March 2021, for the excellent PE curriculum and extensive use of external coaches utilised throughout the school.