Mathematics and Numeracy
As a core subject in the curriculum, numeracy is given a high priority within Holy Trinity Primary School. It has long been seen as a strength of the school: ‘The children achieve very good standards in numeracy’ (ETI 2016). We strive to create a positive environment in the classroom in which the efforts and contributions of our pupils are encouraged, developing within our pupils a positive attitude towards numeracy.
We believe that the teaching of numeracy is important for 4 inter-related reasons:
- Numeracy is necessary for life.
- To prepare our pupils to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
- It facilitates concept and skills development in other areas of the curriculum.
- It is an interesting and enjoyable subject in its own right.
Holy Trinity Primary School offers a variety of teaching and learning approaches designed to engage and motivate our pupils. We promote understanding through a ‘concrete and pictorial’ approach to learning and deliver a curriculum which promotes both knowledge and skills. We encourage a growth mindset approach which develops key skills such as perseverance, independence and stamina. We want children to experience success and enjoyment in numeracy. ETI remarked upon the ‘well planned learning activities … to develop the children’s problem solving and reasoning skills.’ ETI also said, ‘the teachers assess the children’s understanding and challenge their thinking.’
Numeracy lessons are supported by a wide range of modern resources. In recent years, we have invested heavily in practical manipulatives and online programs to make learning experiences more child-centred and interactive. We endeavour to engage our children in a wide range of purposeful activities, including oral work, practical activities, games, and ICT, to develop and consolidate their learning. Pupils are encouraged to use mathematical language to discuss their work and explain their findings.
Our modern and challenging Numeracy Curriculum is tailored to meet the future needs of our pupils. Our goal is to equip our children with the knowledge and skills needed for the future. According to ETI (2016), "The children have regular opportunities to use and apply their numeracy facts and make meaningful connections with other areas of the curriculum."