Communication and Literacy
Communication is central to the whole curriculum. Children should be able to communicate in order to express themselves socially, emotionally and physically, to develop as individuals, engage with others and contribute as members of society.
The modes of communication include talking and listening, reading and writing. However, effective communication also includes non-verbal modes of communication, wider literacy and the use of multimedia and ICT technologies which may combine different modes. Children are encouraged to become effective communicators by using a range of techniques, forms and media to convey information and ideas creatively and appropriately.
In the Foundation Stage, we aim to motivate children to develop Literacy skills in meaningful contexts. We use the reading scheme with a variety of accompanying reading material, alongside linguistic phonics to support the holistic approach to Literacy in the classroom.
In Key Stage 1 all children have access to a Bug Club account where they can develop their love of reading and build their treehouse along with earning rewards for SkateHouse.
Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 continue to use the reading scheme with a variety of accompanying resources as well. Class novels are introduced to develop the pupils as life long readers.
Accelerated Reader was first introduced into Holy Trinity in 2018 as a means to tackle underachievement, particularly in boys, and to develop a love of reading in all of our pupils. The Accelerated Reader programme has proved to be a very popular and impactful initiative in the school and has blended alongside our whole school drive towards raising the achievement in reading.
The STAR reading comprehension test, which runs alongside the Accelerated Reader programme, is computer adaptive and so adapts to the child’s ability level and is, by its nature differentiated. The STAR reading comprehension tests provide our teachers with valuable insights into students' comprehension abilities. These tests allow our teachers to regularly assess and monitor reading comprehension progress, aligning with the planned teaching content. These assessments give our teachers detailed information about the reading progress and comprehension levels of the children in their class at regular intervals throughout the year. By leveraging STAR tests, teachers can make informed judgments about each pupil's comprehension skills and tailor their instruction accordingly.
As a testament to the programme’s success, our school has been recognised as an Accelerated Reader "Master School."