After Schools Arrangements

23/9/2022 After School Clubs

Dear Parents/ Guardians, I have been contacted by MR sports to advise that there are still some places available at the after school clubs. Attached is information regarding discounts for parents who may have childcare vouchers. Clubs will commence on Monday 26th September. Please note the following arrangements:

1. P1 and P2 children will be collected from the classroom by a classroom assistant and brought to their selected club at 1.45 (Monday) and 2.00 Tuesday – Friday). Parents should collect their child at 2.45 (Monday) or 3.00 (Tuesday to Friday) from the P1 yard.

2. P3-P7 children attending clubs will go to the KS2 hall at 1.45 on a Monday and will then be escorted to their club by the coaches. Tuesday to Friday P3-P7 children will go to the P1 yard where they will be met by their coach at 2.30 and brought to their club. Parents should collect their child from the P1 yard at 2.45 ( Monday) and 4.00 (Tuesday to Friday). Children who are permitted to walk home will leave from the P1 yard.

3. Children who are taking part in sport based activities should wear their PE uniform into school on the day the club is taking place. Please note that school staff will not be present at the clubs. The clubs will be delivered by external coaches

Thank you Mrs F Boyd


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