Please click the link here for further information.
Mrs Boyd’s Messages
Urgent- Are you a Key Worker?
Please read the information attached.
Online Learning Information For P1-P7
Information For Parents Regarding Home Learning
Home Learning Pack Collection
Dear Parents,
Can we please ask you to collect your child’s Home Learning pack tomorrow, Friday, at the following times from your child’s classroom. Thank you.
9.15-9.45- P1, P3 , P6
9.45-10.15- P2, P4, P5, P7
School Closure
Northern Ireland schools will close from Monday, March 23 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Holy Trinity remains closed to children the rest of this week. We will let you know when our home learning packs are ready for collection.
School Closure for Our Children- Message from Mrs Boyd
West Belfast Principals Area Learning Communities
We, Principals of West Belfast Primary and Nursery Schools understand that this is a worrying and uncertain time for all. In order to continue in the spirit of open communications it is our short term intention to close schools to children Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th March 2020. This is to allow all staff members to prepare home learning advice and resources in the event of long term school closure. Individual schools will make you aware of arrangements for collection of home learning packs later this week.
Information For Parents on the Coronavirus
Friday 13th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers, I am sure that the recent health crisis is very alarming for you and I would like to provide you with our latest and most up to date guidance from the Public Health Agency to help answer some of the questions you may have regarding the recent outbreak of Corona Virus (Covid-19). 1. Preventing spread of infection in Holy Trinity and our community:
General principles:
• washing your hands often – with soap and water, or use alcohol sanitiser if hand-washing facilities are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport i.e. school buses • covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin. See, “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it” • People who feel unwell should stay at home and should not attend school • pupils, students, staff and visitors should wash their hands: 1. before leaving home
2. on arrival at school 3. after using the toilet 4. after breaks and sporting activities 5. before food preparation 6. before eating any food, including snacks 7. before leaving school • use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available • avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands • avoid close contact with people who are unwell • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces • if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a child or colleague, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment If your child is unwell, has a cough or a fever, please keep your child at home. If anyone you have been in contact with is diagnosed with the coronavirus please let the school know. 2. What to do if pupils, students or staff in Holy Trinity become unwell and believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 (either through travel to specified countries or areas or contact with a confirmed case) Call the GP or NHS 111, or 999 in an emergency (if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk), and if appropriate, explain which country they have returned from in the last 14 days. You can do this on their behalf if this is easier. People who become unwell should be advised not to go to their GP, pharmacy, or a hospital. 3. What to do if a case of COVID-19 (pupil, student or staff) is suspected in Holy Trinity PS If anyone has been in contact with a suspected case in an educational setting, NO restrictions or special control measures are required while laboratory test results for COVID-19 are awaited unless otherwise advised by health professionals. 4. What to do if a case of COVID-19 (pupil, student or staff) is confirmed in Holy Trinity P.S. We will be contacted by the Public Health Agency to: discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and advised on any actions or precautions that should be taken. An assessment of our school will be undertaken by the Health Protection Team with relevant staff. Advice on the management of pupils or students and staff will be based on this assessment. The Health Protection Team will also be in contact with the patient directly to advise on isolation and identifying other contacts, and will be in touch with any contacts of the patient to provide them with appropriate advice. Advice on cleaning of communal areas such as classrooms, changing rooms and toilets will be given by the Health Protection Team. If there is a confirmed case, the local Health Protection Team will advise on whether any closure/restrictions will be necessary, in consultation with us. (The decision to close will not be only the decision of the Principal or Governors but in collaboration the local Health Protection Team) 5. Will events planned in Holy Trinity such as Confirmation continue? Any planned gatherings in school, such as Confirmation, First Confession and First Communion will proceed as normal unless guidance from the Public Health Agency changes. 6. How will I receive further updates? Communication/updates regarding Covid-19, Corona Virus from our school will be issued via our text messaging/Twitter service and on our school website. Please ensure that all your contact details in school are up to date. If you have recently changed your mobile phone number or email address, please contact the school office to update our records. I am sure that many children are feeling anxious about the health crisis. Please keep reassuring your child that even if they were to contract the illness, for the vast majority of children, they have very mild to no symptoms and make a full recovery. This BBC Newsround video link may help to reduce your child’s anxiety: Yours sincerely Mrs F Boyd Principal
Go For Green!
Tomorrow is Go For Green Day for St Patrick’s celebrations. Don’t forget to wear something green to school!
We will be closed on Monday and Tuesday for St Patrick’s day. Back in again on Wednesday 18th March.