Please see attached information regarding after school provision in Holy Trinity Primary School. After School Clubs this year will be provided by an external company. MR Sports will offer a variety of clubs which will take place Monday to Friday.
Clubs will be available from 1.45-2.45 on a Monday.
On Tuesday-Friday they will take place from 2.00-3.00 for P1 and P2 pupils and from 2.30- 4.00 for P3- P7 pupils.
MR sports are totally independent from the school and all applications, queries, payments and additional information should be obtained from them. All coaching staff have coaching qualifications and have Access NI. Please read the attached flyer and if you are interested in your child obtaining a place at any of the clubs, please use the link below. Places are restricted to 15-20 per club.
Thank you Mrs F Boyd
This is a link which directs to all the clubs at Holy Trinity: HERE
Dear Parent/Guardian, We have been informed by the Department of Education that Monday 19th September is an official Bank Holiday and schools are expected to close. Holy Trinity will be closed on Monday 19th September and will re-open as normal on Tuesday 20th September.
I hope that you had a lovely summer break and I am looking forward to welcoming the children back to school this week. The past two years have been very challenging for us all and I sincerely hope that this is a better year and we are able to return to some kind of normality.
Restart details for 2022-2023
Children starting P1 will have received a letter in June detailing their
staggered starting dates and times
31st August– P2-P7
(mainstream) will attend school from 8.45 to 11.45. There will be no dinners on
this day.
1st September school recommences
for all children in P2-P7. This will be a full day and dinners will be
School times and dropping off and
collection arrangements 2022-2023
School will start for all children
in mainstream at 8.45. It is essential that your child is in line for 8.45 as
lessons start promptly at 8.50.
P1 children will line up in the P1 yard
P2- P4 children will line up in the KS1 yard. Parents are requested not
to enter the playground. Staff will open the gates at 8.35 and will supervise
the children until they are collected at 8.45 by class teacher.
P5- P7 children will go directly to the 3G pitch
LSC- children will go directly to the KS2 hall where they will be met by
classroom assistants.
Monday- All children finish school at 1.45
Tuesday -Friday
P1 children finish 2.00 and should be
collected from the P1 yard.
P2 children finish
Year group
Tuesday- Friday
Collection point
P1 Yard
Children will be escorted to the following gates in the KS1 yard P2 Mrs Mc Cooe- GATE B P2 Mrs Graham-GATE C P2 Miss Owens-GATE D
Children will be escorted to the following gates in the KS1 yard P3 Mrs Gallagher and P3 Mrs Carabine-GATE A P3 Mrs Harte and P3 Miss Armstrong-GATE C
Children will be escorted to the following gates in the KS1 yard P4 Mrs Mac Manus and P4 Mrs Mc Areavey-GATE B P4 Mrs Webb and P4 Mrs Wright- Gate D
Children will be escorted to the side gate
Children will be escorted to the side gate
Children will be escorted to the side gate
Escorted to their taxi/bus
Dinners will commence 1st September. A dinner menu will be sent via Seesaw and placed on website. It is essential that parents have applied to EA for free dinners.
The main method of communicating with parents will continue using SeeSaw. Your child will receive a SeeSaw code from the class teacher and we would encourage parents to scan this on to their phones straight away.
We would like to wish all our wonderful P7s all the very best in their new school. We had a beautiful Mass this afternoon and it was lovely to see so many families there to celebrate with us. Take care and remember you are always part of the Holy Trinity family!!
School will close for the Summer holidays at 11.00am on the 30th June. School will re-open after the holidays as follows: 1. 31st August- school will open 8.45-11.45. There will be no dinners available on this day 2. 1 st September- all pupils return to school. This will be a full day and dinners will be available. Reminder to please ensure that you have applied online to the EA for the Uniform and Free Dinner grant as soon as possible, in order for this to be processed for September. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support this year. We hope you have a lovely break.
Thank you Mrs F Boyd
LSC Classes
Dear Parent/Guardian,
School will close for the Summer holidays on the 29th June. This will be a full day. School will re-open on the 1st September. Reminder to please ensure that you have applied online to the EA for the Uniform and Free Dinner grant as soon as possible, in order for this to be processed for September. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support this year. We hope you have a lovely break.
Dunelm are running a competition for a school to win the equipment for a Mud Kitchen. This would be a great addition to our school. We are asking as many people as possible to vote for Holy Trinity using the link below or by going on Dunelm facebook page. Closing date is this weekend.
Please share with your friends and ask them to vote too.