Holy Trinity Open Day is on 6th December from 10-11am . All welcome. Please see our School Prospectus Summary for further information.
Category Archives: News
Coping with Christmas.
Parenting NI are offering a Zoom workshop for Parents and guardians. http://www.holytrinitybelfast.co.uk/poster-coping-with-christmas-30-11-2023-link/
Happy Halloween!
Well done everyone on your fabulous costumes today! We had great fun and it was so good to see so many different spooky faces around our school! Have a brilliant week off and we’ll see you on the 6th November!
P2 Autumn Walk!
Mid Term
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Mid Term Break
The school will be closed for midterm break from Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November. School will resume as normal on Monday 6th November.
Dress Up Day
On Friday 26th October we will have a Halloween Dress Up Day. Children can come in wearing Halloween costumes or in their own clothes. We would ask families who are able to contribute £1.00 per child or £2.00 per family towards school funds. This is a voluntary contribution. Thank you
If you are interested in obtaining a recognised Essential Skills qualification in Maths and also gaining the skills and knowledge to help your child with their maths work, People First will be delivering an Essential Skills Maths programme in Holy Trinity Primary School.
An information session will be held in the staff room on Wednesday 25th October from 9.00-9.30. Everyone welcome
Thank you
Mrs F Boyd
Congratulations to our new Digital Leaders for 2023-2024.
Well done P1s
We are so so proud of all our new P1s this year!
Welcome Back Everyone!
We are so happy to see you all back to school! We’ve had a great week and are looking forward to the term ahead!
Thank you to all our parents and guardians for having the children looking so well.
Back to School
Happy Holidays!
Dear Parents,
Children will be finishing this week for the Summer break. We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for all of their support and also thanks to the pupils for their hard work this year. We hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.
Dates 30th June- children finish for the summer holidays at 11.00am
31st August- school will open from 9.00-10.30 for children who feel anxious about returning to school
1st September – school officially starts for children in mainsteeam. This will be a full day and dinners will be available 4th September- children in Learning Support Classes return to school. Uniform Drive
If any parents have clean, washed uniforms which are in good condition and which you no longer require, please drop them off in the school and we will make sure they go to a good home. If you require a school uniform for your child, please contact us. Free Dinners and Uniform grants Free Dinner Forms and Uniform Grants are now available on the EA website. We would strongly encourage parents to apply now as it takes weeks for the EA to process these applications.
Retirement On the 30th June Mrs Sheehan and Mrs Donnelly (P1) will retire after more than 30 years in Holy Trinity Primary School. They have both dedicated their lives to our school and we cannot thank them enough for the commitment love, care and devotion that they have shown the pupils over this time. The education they provided to the children has been exceptional giving the children the skills, knowledge, self belief and confidence to excel in school. They have also been a pillar of strength to staff and parents. We will miss them greatly but we also wish them health and happiness in this new chapter of their lives. From the parents, pupils and staff of Holy Trinity thank you Mrs Sheehan and Mrs Donnelly and good luck in your retirement.