ECO Award

We are thrilled to announce that Holy Trinity has been awarded a second Green Flag. This is a very prestigious ECO award recognised throughout the European Community and is a recognition of the environmental steps taken by the school to be increasingly eco-friendly.

On Tuesday 13th June , two assessors visited the school to inspect the ECO Committee and the work of the school. The assessors were accompanied by 2 members of the ECO Committee on their tour of the school. The inspectors visited some of the classes involved in these areas and were amazed with our pupil’s knowledge and enthusiasm. The members of the Eco committee have worked tirelessly this year in promoting a more environmentally friendly school. They have tackled the topics of Global Perspectives, Litter, Healthy Eating and Lifestyle and Energy. They were particularly impressed with our Global Partnerships with Uganda, New York and Slovakia and our esteemed International Schools Award. As Global Perspective was our main topic this year, the inspectors also noted our fantastic work with Trocaire and Habitat for Humanity, two Global Charities who tackle poverty. This was only achieved through the dedicated efforts of our staff and children.

A big thank you to Miss Cushenan our Eco Coordinator and Mr White our Vice Principal for organising the visit.


Holy Trinity Primary School’s P6 girls visited St. Dominic’s Grammar School on Wednesday 7th June taking part in an Activity Morning. Some of the staff from St. Dominic’s engaged the children in activities associated with the subjects of Science, Art, Spanish and Home Economics. The children made slime, connected colours to their Spanish translation and made their own smoothies among other things. The morning hopefully gave the children a taste of life in secondary education after they will leave Holy Trinity Primary school. Thank you St Dominic’s for a lovely morning!




Holy Trinity will be closed for all classes on Thursday 8th June as we are being used as a Polling Station.

Mid Term Break

Holy Trinity will close today for a week off. Enjoy the break everyone and we’ll see you all again on Monday 5th June.

Be#ShareAware-Keep your child safe online.

From the NSPCC

Just like in real life, our children need your help to stay safe online. That’s why we’re working with O2 to bring you Share Aware – to help keep children safe on social networks, apps and games. Click here to access the site.

Share Aware offers simple, step–by–step advice that will help you have the right conversations with your children about online safety. Learn how to untangle the web through our Icebreaker email series. In just six weeks you’ll be an expert in a child’s online world and how to spot potential risks. Click here to sign up.

You can get in touch with advisors at our O2 & NSPCC Online Safety Helpline on 0800 800 5002 or make an appointment with a Guru in store.

Claire Lilley Head of Child Safety Online, NSPCC

Holy Communion

Mrs Boyd would like to congratulate the Primary 4s on making their Holy Communion. The children were beautifully dressed on the day and their behaviour was fabulous. Thank you to our parents for preparing your child. Mrs Boyd would also like to thank all of the staff who worked so hard preparing the children and the church for the First Communion Service. The singing, music, responses, readings, offertory, behaviour etc was absolutely amazing. A lot of effort went into preparing for this, led brilliantly by Mrs Carroll.




Holy Communion

First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday 13th May in Holy Trinity Church at 11.00 a.m.

 Children need to be seated by 10.40 a.m.

 As seats cannot be reserved it is advisable to come early. Children will sit with their classes. Photographs should not be taken during the service.

 The Photographer will be in the school on Monday 15th May to take the children’s photo.  The cost is £12.

We look forward to celebrating this special day with our Primary 4s who have been working extremely hard getting ready for their special Sacrament.



P7 Concert

Primary 7 are delighted to be performing a summer musical on the 14th and 15th June. Times to be confirmed. Tickets will go on sale in June. We will send a note home when they are available and also post on the website.

Thank you.



trociareThank you very much to everyone who helped raise money for Trocaire this term.We raised a wonderful £3000 through a cake sale, movie day, raffles, staff afternoon tea and Freddie Fitness. We were delighted to be able to present our cheque to Trocaire today.

A huge thank you Mrs Carabine and Mr Colgan who coordinated the activities. Thanks too to Mr Mc Crory who organised Freddy Fitness and to all our counters who had to count up the money for us each day.