Mass will be held in holy Trinity Church tomorrow at 10am. All welcome.
Category Archives: News
Congratulations to our new Digital Leaders.
Is your child in P7 this year?
Parents who wish for their child to attend a Grammar school next year must apply to a Grammar school before 2.00 on the 21st September. |
Welcome Back!
The Principal and staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome back the children and parents after the Summer break. The children all look fantastic and ready for the school year ahead.
International Schools Award
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious International Schools Award in recognition of the shared education programme we are involved in at home and abroad. Our involvement in these programmes helps our children develop an understanding of life in other areas and helps develop their develop confidence, understanding, tolerance and empathy. This is what the awarding body had to say about Holy Trinity:
“ Your very detailed application conveys a clear impression that the international and dimension is firmly embedded in your curriculum and whole-school ethos, promoting citizenship and celebrating cultural diversity across your school and wider community. Your established link with a school in Uganda and your new eTwinning partnership with a school in Poland are providing rich learning opportunities for both pupils and staff. The assessor particularly likes your “Conflict Resolution” activity, in which St. Mary’s University students from different countries work with your pupils via simple drama activities to address a complex issue at an international level. Your submitted international activities cover a range of subject areas and age groups, with international work taking place throughout the year. Three of your activities involve the requisite collaboration with partner schools in other countries. Your “Titanic” project with Cumran Primary School is different in terms of religious, social and geographical background and is an excellent example of effective ICT-based communication and exchange of information with a science curriculum focus. Your detailed International Activity Summary also conveys a good impression of the breadth of your long-term international links, activities and learning outcomes, including the required element of foreign language learning in your reference to the opportunity for pupils to develop German and Irish language skills. Your international work dovetails neatly with your school’s Eco and Fairtrade focus, as well as the Global Learning Programme which you have recently completed. You recognise the benefits for your pupils in terms of increased knowledge of other countries and cultures as well as their acquisition of important citizenship skills and attributes. Your staff have benefitted from the Global Learning Programme in terms of curriculum planning skills to incorporate an international and dimension as well as the Uganda link, and increased knowledge and motivation. Local community members and groups are also regularly informed about your international and work. Your ambassadorial role in promoting and supporting international opportunities and links is firmly established via GLP and Uganda link networks, which enable you to promote international opportunities as well as showcasing your own activities, links and learning outcomes. You have good plans to sustain and further develop your international work, particularly via the consolidation of your new link with a school in Poland. Congratulations! The international dimension is prominent and dynamic at Holy Trinity Primary School. We wish you continuing success and enjoyment with your ongoing international work. ”
A big thank you to Mrs Fyfe for submitting our application and to all the teachers and children involved in developing our wider links.
Back to school!
Holy Trinity will re-open tomorrow the 30th August. LSC Classes will not start until Monday 3rd September.
School will be closing at 11:45 on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August. There will be NO dinners on these days.
School will re-open again on Monday 3rd September and will finish at 1:45pm as normal for all children.
Good Luck P7s!
Summer Holidays
School will close for the summer holidays on Friday 29th June at 11am.
It will re-open on Thursday 30th August.
School will be closing at 11:45 on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August. There will be NO dinners on these days.
School will re-open again on Monday 3rd September and will finish at 1:45pm as normal for all children.
We would like to thank you all for your support throughout the year. We hope you have a lovely summer break.
Liam’s Winning Entry!
Guys and Dolls
Rehearsals are going well for our P7 show which will be on 12th and 13th June. Tickets available soon!