Category Archives: News
P1 Applications
Applying for a place for your child in P1 for September 2020 will now have to be done digitally.
The Education Authority have introduced online applications for admissions to Nursery and Primary schools.
If your child was born between 2 July 2015 and 1 July 2016, they will be due to start primary one in September 2020, and as they will be of compulsory school age, you must apply for a place in a primary school.
Places are not allocated on a First Come, First Served basis.
The Go Live date for the new digital admissions is Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 12 noon and the closing date for admissions will be 12 noon on 30th January 2020.
For more information click HERE.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
School will close on Friday 20th December for KS2 at 11am. School resumes as normal on Monday 6th January.
CR-IS Award
Holy Trinity Primary School are the first school in Northern Ireland to be awarded the CR-IS Badge!
Developed by Digital Schools Awards Northern Ireland to provide education professionals with the resources and support needed to help pupils stay safe in the digital world, the new Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety (CR-IS) Badge is backed by technology companies HP, Microsoft and RM Education with the support of C2K and the Department of Education. The Assessor Dr Victor Mc Nair reported that in Holy Trinity:
‘It was clear that the team recognise the importance of building good cyber resilience and esafety awareness in early years so that the inevitable increase in internet use as their pupils get older will be tempered by good habits and understanding. This, for me, is perhaps the most striking part of the school’s vision. The multi-level approach has resulted in a strong culture of cyber resilience and internet safety.’
‘I am delighted that Holy Trinity Primary School is the FIRST school in Northern Ireland to receive the CR-IS award and I commend the staff and pupils on their achievement. In particular I would like to commend the Principal and ICT coordinators for their vision and hard work in bringing CR-IS alive in the school.’
Ann-Marie Whelan, HP Education Manager said, “Advances in digital technology have brought about huge positive change into almost every aspect of our lives and we want to ensure our young people enjoy a very positive and beneficial experience. However, we also need to better equip and educate young people on the potential dangers and how to stay safe online.”
Digital Schools Awards Validator Dr Victor McNair said, “Schools are ideally placed to provide progressive and relevant activities that help pupils build enduring and adaptable cyber-resilient skills.” “Teachers will instantly recognise the language used in the self-review framework and they will benefit from the local and national resources provided to help them develop classroom activities, partnerships and professional learning opportunities.” Pete Murphy, RM Education said, “Introducing the new CR-IS badge is a really positive way to encourage both staff and pupils to understand the actions they can take to stay safe online. ” Thank you to Mrs Rooney and Miss Mc Laughlin for preparing the school for this award.
For more information click HERE
360 Degree Safe Internet Safety Award.
Holy Trinity are eSafety champions!
An Assessor from the South West Grid for Learning visited us on 27th November, 2019, to review the school’s online safety provision. The Assessor, Mrs A Allen, met school staff, parents and carers, Governors and pupils and was pleased to find that the school provides a high level of protection for users of digital technologies. The South West Grid for Learning Trust is lead partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre and in the forefront of national and international developments in online safety. To enhance these services, they have developed a tool to help schools address online safety issues. To apply for the 360 degree safe Online Safety Mark, schools have to reach a series of benchmark levels when they complete the online self review. The evidence is then verified by a visit from experienced Assessors. The prime benefit of using the review and applying for the Online Safety Mark is that it does not focus on the individual aspects of online safety such as technological solutions, but instead it integrates online safety into school policy and the curriculum, challenging teachers and leaders in the school to think about their provision and its continual evolution. Holy Trinity has shown that they have provided a high standard of online safety education and awareness for all staff, pupils and also for parents and carers, to ensure that these users of digital technologies can be safe online – whether they are in school, in their homes or out and about using mobile devices.
Following the visit, the Assessor, Mrs Avril Allen reported that :
‘The principal and senior leadership of the school are to be commended for their excellent work on online safety provision in the school. There is a very clear commitment from the principal, Governors and all staff to effectively and continuously develop policy and practice within the school. There is a well embedded ethos and culture of online safety across the school. The monthly eSafety codes provide a focus each month for all age ranges and are very relevant to the challenges they face. The eSafetysaurus mascot is a terrific asset for the school to reinforce the eSafety message.’
Ron Richards, Lead Assessor for the 360 degree safe Online Safety Mark congratulated the school on its success and commented that it was re-assuring to know that the school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the online safety of the staff and young people, by addressing these important safeguarding issues.
Free Microsoft Office 365
All staff and pupils users can download, free of charge, full copies of Microsoft Office for PC or Mac for use on up to 5 personal devices in 4 easy steps with their C2k credentials.
Get MS Office in 4 easy steps:
1. Visit
2. Enter your C2k Username in the format
3. At the next box re-enter your C2k username and your password
4. Click Install Office to download the version of MS Office you require You can also use a C2k username and password to sign in to Office apps on tablets and smartphones.
Please vote for us!
Christmas Holidays
School finishes at 12.30 pm after dinners on Thursday 19th December for KS1 children and 11am on Friday 20th December for KS2. School resumes as normal on Monday 6th January.
Carol Service
Don’t forget Christmas jumper Day tomorrow! Looking forward to our Key Stage 2 Carol Service at 1:30pm.
Christmas Hampers
Wow! Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the hamper appeal. We are able to help so many in our community . The children and staff really enjoyed making them up.