Category Archives: News
Free School Meals and Uniform Grants information
Revised School Times from Monday 6th September.
Welcome Back to School Everyone!
Congratulations to Mrs Boyd on her Benemerenti Medal Award.
Last week we celebrated a very special Mass in Holy Trinity Church. Mrs Boyd, our Principal, received the Benemerenti Medal awarded by Pope Francis as a recognition of outstanding service to Catholic Education in the parish, particularly during the pandemic. Mrs Boyd was recognised by the Pope for her exceptional pastoral care of children, parents and staff during this very difficult period. We are so proud of her, this award is only held by sixty people in the world during Pope Francis’ reign and we are delighted that Mrs Boyd’s work has been recognised. She gives so much of herself to others and is a very special person! The day was made even more special as her Mum, husband Joe and family, Holy Trinity staff and Governors and Father Brendan were all there to celebrate with her.
Congratulations Mrs Boyd!
Restart Information
Please see attached link for Mrs Boyd’s letter regarding restart next week.
Return to school information
17th August 2021 Restart Information
I hope everyone had a lovely summer break. Children in P2-P7 will start back to school on the 31st August. Children in the LSC’s will start back 1st September.
31st August, (Dinners will not be available)P2 – P3 – 9.00 to 11.45, P4-P7 – 9.00 to 12.00.
1st September School will start back full time on the 1st September for children in P2-P7.
I will send out additional information regarding starting/ finishing times etc next week once I receive re-start guidance from the Department of Education.Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
Thank you,
F Boyd
Mrs Boyd’s End of Year Letter.
We had a great day today and lots of fun on the pitch taking part in Sports Day.
P1 Meet your teacher.
A big welcome to our new P1 children who are starting Holy Trinity in September 2021. Your new teacher has a message for you below.
A message from Mrs Devlin and Mrs Mc Fall.
A message from Mrs Donnelly and Miss Campbell.
A message from Mrs Mc Cool and Mrs Cully.