Safer Internet Day Tuesday 5th February.

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world.

Safer Internet Day 2013 will be the tenth edition of the event, and will take place on Tuesday 5 February 2013. The theme for the day is ‘Online rights and responsibilities.’


Teachers in Holy Trinity will be discussing internet safety with all our year groups. We also use to promote online safety. ( The link is on our school website Homepage)  Please look at the 5-7 section and the 8-10 section relevant for your child. There are some lovely wee animated films, games and quizzes to get the message across.


For more information on SID go to:;jsessionid=38FCE1CE9AB5D79653F4F2E467ABC78B 


Procedures used in the decision to close Holy Trinity Primary School in the event of adverse weather conditions.

 Our aim is to avoid, as far as possible, any uncertainty and confusion in the event of possible school closure. We believe that the best way to do this is to communicate as fully as possible with our parents.   The school will make all practicable efforts to keep parents informed as to the situation with the school during adverse weather conditions, as we appreciate that such conditions and the uncertainty places very considerable difficulties upon parents.

There are rare occasions when our school will find it necessary to close. These are usually occasions when adverse weather means that the school site is unsafe and poses health and safety risks to the school community.

Our first consideration is always the safety of the children.   In adverse weather conditions, where staff live some distance from school, the journey to school may be too hazardous for them to set out and, once here, equally hazardous for them to get home.  They may also be affected by the closure of their own children’s schools.  Health and Safety risk assessments mean that we cannot open the school if there are insufficient staff to properly supervise the children.

 Staff who live locally, including the Principal, will be in school to keep the school open if at all possible.  A decision to close the school would never be taken lightly and would involve our Senior Management Team.

  In the Head Teacher’s absence the Vice principal on site will assume

responsibility for making final decisions relating to the Adverse Weather Policy.

 In the event of adverse weather:

  • A decision will be made, as far as possible, before 8.30am as to whether the school should be open or needs to be closed.
  • In the event of closure, the school will send a message to RadioUlsterand BBC N.I. using a prearranged security code to allow them to broadcast the information to the general public.
  • We will also put any relevant information up on our school website.
  • We advise our parents to listen out for school closure information from local media.
  • In the event of the school having to close during the day due to unforeseen worsening weather or similar unforeseen circumstances, this information will be given by telephone to parents or to the local media for parents to collect their children.
  • In the event of snow, some pathways will be cleared and salted. Parents, children and visitors should be aware that pathways, even where cleared, do remain dangerous. Before and after school class hours, parents are responsible for ensuring that their children do not slide on the school playground.
  • During significant adverse weather conditions parents should bring their children into the school building. Parents may be required to supervise their children in the hall or classroom  until staff are available to formally take supervision of the children. They are asked to leave the school immediately as soon as the staff have taken over.

Attendance Register

The school appreciates that during bad weather children may arrive later than normal; parents should endeavour to contact the school to let them know they are on their way if likely to be delayed. The school recognises there may be isolated instances where families are cut off, even where the clear majority of children can get into school. In such instances parents should inform the school of the circumstances of this exceptional situation, as the school has a duty to clarify the circumstances of each case so as to be able to formally authorise the absence to Belfast Education and Library Board.

Parents acting on the assumption that the school would be closed without gaining confirmation, or failing to inform the school of the circumstances that prevents the child coming into school risk their child being registered as an un-authorised absence.

Where the school is officially closed, all absence is counted as authorised


We will always do everything in our power to avoid school closure.


Mass will be held in Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday 22nd January at 10am. All welcome.

If the snow is still bad, mass will be on Wednesday morning instead.

Catholic Schools Week 2013

This is the fifth year of celebrating the wonderful contribution that Catholic schools make, not only to their local communities, but to Irish society as a whole. This year’s theme acknowledges the faith community in which the Catholic school is rooted. It draws our attention to the interconnectedness between these faith communities and reminds us that the school is really an extension of both the church at home and the local parish church. This year has been declared a Year of Faith by Pope Benedict XVI. The year began on October 11 2012, and will end on November 24 2013. During this year we are all being asked to pray, deepen our understanding of our own faith, give witness by the way we live, and serve those who are in need. Catholic Schools Week 2013 offers us an opportunity to think about how we can do these things within our family, which is the most important place where children learn about and experience their faith.


In December the Moderate Learning Difficulty Units in Holy Trinity went through a detailed and thorough inspection by the Department of  Education. As well as observing classroom lessons, examining in detail
the planning, assessments and paperwork and speaking at length to the staff, Principal and Vice Principal, she also talked to the children and examined their work. The Inspector was very impressed with all that she saw and awarded Holy Trinity the highest award possible “Outstanding”. She praised the high standard of work, the excellent integration process, the high quality teaching and learning taking place, the meticulous planning and record keeping, the excellent training courses provided and the supportive management of the school.
Congratulations to all staff and pupils involved.


Enrolment forms for parents wishing their child to begin P1 in September are now available from the office in Holy Trinity School. It is essential that you return your completed form along with your child’s birth certificate and baptism lines (if the child was not baptised in Holy Trinity Church) to the school by Friday 11th January . We can only take in 90 children and over the past few years we have reached this quota. We feel that this is as a result of the excellent reputation Holy Trinity has both in and outside the community with regard to the excellent education provided, the high level of pastoral care, sporting excellence, links with parents, high standards of behaviour etc.

All forms must be completed by the 11th January at 12.00 noon but we strongly urge you to get your form in as quickly as possible.