Glór na Móna launches Féile na Carraige with the help of Holy Trinity.

On Friday 27th September our school were invited to the launch of Féile na Carraige, an Irish Language festival running from 7th-13th of October by Glór na Mona.  Three of our pupils from Primary 5 and Miss Duffy went along to represent the school. Sean Scullion, Chloe Fullerton and Aoife McPhilips were all excellent representatives, showing off their super Irish language skills. They were introduced to our Lord Mayor Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, they listened to Irish traditional music and heard all about this community programme.  This Féile is celebrating our heritage and culture and is promoting our Irish language; Glór na Mona will be holding an Irish language workshop for P5PF as part of the festival.


Curriculum Meetings

This week’s meetings are:

17th September- 1.30- P2 and P4 Curriculum meeting
17th September- 9.15- P1 Curriculum meeting


We look forward to seeing you.

New Principal’s Message.

logoAs you know Mrs Armstrong has retired as Principal of Holy Trinity Primary School. I have now been
appointed as new Principal. My name is Mrs Fiona Boyd and I have been working in Holy Trinity now for 25 years, firstly in the Hearing Impaired Unit and for the past seven years as Vice Principal. Many of you will already know me and for those who do not can I reassure you that I will continue to ensure that the high educational standards will be maintained and the high quality teaching and learning and the excellent pastoral care will continue. I would like to develop further the excellent partnership we have with our parents and we have a series of parent courses and events planned. If any parent has any concerns or worries please do not hesitate to contact me – my door is always open. I am confident that with our caring, dedicated, highly trained staff, our well behaved, motivated, happy children and our interested and committed parents- together we will make Holy Trinity Primary School even better.

Welcome Back To School!

School starts again on Monday 2nd September. We hope you all had a lovely Summer and are looking forward to the busy term ahead.

We would like to congratulate Mrs Boyd on her new position as Principal of Holy Trinity Primary School.

Happy Retirement Mrs Armstrong!

2Mrs Armstrong is to retire this summer after forty three years working in Holy Trinity. She has been a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic teacher and an innovative, caring, inspirational  Principal.

Today, John O’Dowd our Minister for Education made a very special visit to Holy Trinity  to wish Mrs Armstrong well. Mrs Armstrong was very touched by the  lovely assembly this morning and  by the presentation to her from our parents. She would like to  thank our parents for their generosity to her. In her own words she said, ‘it has  been a privilege to have been able to work with our children in Holy Trinity.’

The staff, parents and pupils wish Mrs Armstrong good luck and happiness in her retirement. We hope she visits us often. She will be greatly missed by everyone.


School will finish for the summer on Friday 28th June at 11:45.

We hope you have a lovely summer and we’ll see you all again on the 2nd September!

P7 Leavers Mass

The Leavers’ Mass for Primary 7 will take place on Friday 21st June at 1:15pm in HolyTrinity Church.  This will be a very special mass to celebrate your child’s primary school years. All parents are welcome to attend. Primary 7 children will go home after the mass.

Musical Extravaganza!

For two nights only, our Primary 7 children will be performing the ‘Wizard of Oz.’

Tonight and tomorrow night you are in for a treat! Admission by tickets only. Show

starts 7pm!