P6 Listen to a Fantastic Litter Talk by Belfast City Council

Tuesday afternoon saw Belfast City Council deliver a super presentation to the Primary 6 children about the history of litter and why it is important to keep our city clean. The presentation involved showing the children how litter was approached and dealt with in different eras. It was enthusiastically acted out by the presenters and thoroughly enjoyed by the children and staff. The children were engaged in each performance and were given some great facts and interesting insights into the development of litter control- Who knew the Ancient Greeks were the first to use landfill sites? The message was loud and clear- Keep Belfast Tidy!   

Go For Green!

Looking forward to seeing you all in green today!!! We’re off on Monday, have a lovely long weekend. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Safer Internet Day 2014

Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 11th February.

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre in February of each year to promote the safe and responsible use of online technology and mobile phones for children and young people.

The theme for 2014 is ‘let’s create a better internet together’. The day offers the opportunity to focus on both the creative things that children and young people are doing online, as well as the role and responsibility that all stakeholders have in helping to create a better internet.

This year C2k in partnership with NEELB.tv and the UK Safer Internet Centre is delivering 8 hours of internet TV to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2014.

The programmes will be streamed on Safer Internet Day 11 February to all schools in Northern Ireland and there is something for everyone – teachers and professionals, children and young people, as well as parents!

The programmes will contain engaging and practical information and advice on being safe online and using the internet to inspire learning and creativity!








Our camogs played an excellent tournament at the 5-a-sides at St John’s. They recorded fantastic victories over St Kevin’s and St Patrick’s. This led to an eliminator game against St Joseph’s Lisburn. It was a fiercely contested game with the scores locked at 1-1 until the last seconds. Unfortunately, St Joseph’s grabbed the final goal of the day ensuring that Holy Trinity finished in second place. This was our best results in Camogie for several years and we look forward to more tournaments later in the year. Holy Trinity were represented by:  C Mc Crory; L Collins; C Morgan; JL Walsh; C O’Brien and F Marley.


Congratulations to our P7 Hurlers who topped their section at the Cumann na mBunscoil Indoor 5-a-sides held at St John’s. We had a 2-2 draw against perennial table toppers, St Colman’s Lambeg, but recorded excellent victories against St Oliver Plunkett and Gaelscoil Eanna to top the group on goal difference. Holy Trinity was represented by: L Caggese; C Boyd; D Dixon; J Burns; L Mc Mahon; R Greene and D Ward.

Bug Club

As I’m sure you are aware, Holy Trinity is always at the forefront of new initiatives and we are always eager to try out different strategies to improve our children’s learning. This year we purchased the licence for BUG CLUB. Last year this was only available to P1-P4 children but because it was so successful we decided to roll it out to our P5-P7 pupils also. This is an online, interactive reading programme which has been set at each child’s individual level. Your child has been given a password and they are able to access the wide range of reading material from home. We would ask you to encourage your child to take part in this fantastic educational and fun programme.

Courses For Parents

On Wednesday 5th February the Incredible Years Parenting Programme will begin in Holy Trinity. This amazing ten week course will give you support and strategies to help you manage your child’s behaviour. There will be two outside trainers taking this course and there are currently two places still available. Child minding can be arranged. If you are interested please contact the school office.

On Thursday 6th February Mrs Bernie Lavery will be holding a First Aid class for parents from 9.30-12.30. Why not come along and learn some of basic first aid.