Happy Halloween!

Well done to everyone for a super fancy dress day! What an effort!

Keep an eye out in the Pupil Area of our website for a Photostory of today!

Have a lovely break, see you all again on Monday 3rd November.


Holy Trinity are delighted to be moving forward this year with the BELB iPad Pilot in Key Stage 1. We have 3 classes participating in the Pilot, P1CG, P2LA and P3LS. The other classes will also have the opportunity to work on iPads too. Check out our blog at http://htipad.weebly.com/

We have bought in a set of 25 iPads for our Key Stage 2 children to work on and these will be timetabled weekly.

We look forward to making the most from this wonderful technology and enhancing Literacy and Numeracy skills further throughout the school.

Monthly Mass and P7 Service Of Commitment

Mass will be held at 10a.m. in Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday 21st October for P4-P7 children. The Primary 7 children will be participating during this in their Service of Commitment in preparation for their Confirmation.

Everyone welcome!

Feis Fun!

Primary 5 and Primary 6 children from Holy Trinity  were invited to the launch of an Irish Language Programme, Féile na Carraige. Children attended the launch at the Whiterock Library and
recited an Irish Language poem, An Cat.  The children were introduced to the MinisterCaráil Ní Chuilín, and enjoyed soaking up the craic agus cultúr! Maith sibh!

Macmillan Coffee Morning!

On Friday 26th September the staff of Holy Trinity ran a Macmillan Coffee morning to raise money for McMillan Cancer Support. Our thanks to all who made this event such a success, baked buns, cakes, scones and made tea! Thanks to Sainsbury’s who sponsored the event and to Anne, Chris and the school canteen staff who provided scones and cheesecakes. It was a great success
raising £420.50 in total. Well done to all involved! Thank you!  IMG_1159


Back To School!

Mrs Boyd and all the staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome back the children and parents after the summer break. The children all look fantastic and ready for the school year ahead!

iPad Pilot

On Tuesday 24th we had a lovely afternoon in Mrs Gallaghers P1  class with the iPads. The children invited their parents to see what they had been doing this year. They have worked very hard on many different apps and had the opportunity to showcase their work. We were delighted to see so many parents.

As part of the BELB iPad Pilot our P1 and P2 children have had a wonderful opportunity this year. They will continue this work next year in their new classes.

Click the link to see our P1s at work .  P1 iPad photostory



Happy Holidays!

Holy Trinity P.S. will close for the Summer Holidays on Friday 27th June at 11.15 am. There will be no dinners on this day. Pupils who receive transport from ELB will finish on Thursday as there will be no transport on Friday. School will reopen on Monday 1st September. We will finish at 11:45 and there will be no dinners on this day.

Have a great summer!

P7 Leavers

The Primary 7 Leavers’ Mass took place in Holy Trinity Church at 1.30pm on Friday. It was a beautiful service led by Fr Brendan.

We wish all our Primary 7s success in your new schools and we will never forget you! Keep in touch!

Have a look at the fun they have had below!

Feis Bhéal Feirste Success!

cropped-Irish-Feis-21.jpgWell done to the Primary 4 and Primary 5 children who competed at the Feis Bhéal Feirste on Saturday 14th June against schools from all over Belfast. 8 children took part and were awarded 4 golds and 3 silvers. The children recited Irish poems and took part in conversational Irish. They have been working very hard over the past few months and they represented their school wonderfully! The children also walked away with joint 1st overall alongside Holy Cross Boys. A super achievement! Maith sibh!