
There will be Mass for P4-P7 children in Holy Trinity Church tomorrow at 10am. All welcome.

P6/7Carol Service

Well done to all our P1-P5 children who took part in the Christmas Concert! You were amazing!

We are now looking forward to our P6/7 Carol Service in Holy Trinity Church  on  Friday 19th December at 1:30p.m.

Everyone welcome. 

Holy Trinity Awarded the prestigious ICT Mark Award for the second time!

Children at Holy Trinity are at the forefront of using technology to enhance their work, and that’s official!

Following an extensive external assessment we have been awarded the prestigious ICT Mark for the second time. The award recognises the school’s success in developing the strategic use of technology in both administration and across the curriculum. Parents will have proof that their children are attending a school at the forefront of modern technology.

Mrs Boyd, our Principal,  commented “On behalf of Holy Trinity Primary School, I am delighted to be awarded the ICT Mark. It recognises our positive approach to the use of technology and the benefits it is bringing to our children. We believe that technology can be used in every aspect of learning and that it is essential our children are equipped for the modern world.We are very proud to include the mark on our website and our mailings and this has been noted on a number of occasions, which has further raised the profile of the use of technology at our School.”

Mrs Rooney and Miss Harte the ICT Coordinators, ensured the school was ready for ICT Mark assessment and commented:

“We are really pleased that the presentation of this award shows recognition of the excellent work that is taking place at our School.  Applying for the award really brought into focus the ICT work that we are doing each and every day.  All the children and staff deserve credit for this achievement.”

Mark Chambers, Naace CEO, said Holy Trinity Primary School thoroughly deserve the accolade of an ICT Mark accreditation. They clearly demonstrate how important it is to take a whole school approach to using technology in schools. We look forward to working with Holy Trinity to demonstrate how technology can have a substantial impact on learner outcomes in the future.

Flower Arranging for Parents

Our Coffee Mornings for parents continue every Friday morning from 9:15-10:45. These mornings are organised by Mrs steele and Mr White.

Friday 19th will be Christmas Flower Arranging! Everyone welcome!

Prize Giving

We are very excited about our Prize Giving Ceremony on Tuesday 2nd December. This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our children. It starts at 1:30p.m. in the Key Stage 2 Hall.

Aldo Goes To School.

This book was written as a result of research carried out by Hugh McNally and Dominic Morris of McNally Morris Architects and Keith McAllister of Queen’s University, Belfast, between November 2012 and February 2013.

The aim of the study was to obtain a greater understanding of the impact that architecture and the built environment can have on people with autism.

The information came from parents of young children with ASD who are aware of the issues that affect their children

The stories given are used to illustrate the world of a child with ASD

The authors hope that the book will raise awareness of some of the issues affecting primary school children with ASD and that it will help teachers, health professionals, architects, parents, carers, school boards, government bodies etc. to provide an appropriate learning environment for all children.

The authors believe that it is only by working together and by sharing resources, information and expertise that we can build the foundations for a truly inclusive society.

They also believe that the school can be seen as a model for the wider world and that lessons taken from the learning environment can be applied elsewhere.

A free PDF copy of Aldo goes to Primary School can be downloaded from the below link.

Women In Sport-Video Conference

Today in Holy Trinity our Primary 6 and Primary 7 girls had the opportunity to use Collaborate, C2k’s new videoconferencing and collaboration tool. The title of the session was “Women in Sport”. The videoconference was hosted by and brought to us, C2k, IFA, GAA, Ulster Rugby, ThinkTASC and the University of Ulster.

The panel for the session was:

  • Lisa McAliskey (Camogie) All Ireland winner with Down
  • Ashley Hutton (Football) Northern Ireland Senior Ladies Captain
  • Megan Fraser (Hockey) Captain of Irelands Women
  • Pamela Gilpin (Rugby) ThinkTASC Ltd and works with IRUPA (Irish Rugby Union Players Association)

The girls had the opportunity to ask the panel questions and we were delighted that they replied to Megan P6MT about training, Erin P7DA on rivals and Georgia P7DA on how they celebrate. Well done to all the girls, they were brilliant!