Safer Internet Day 2015

Today is Safer Internet Day and Holy Trinity children had a jam packed day full of information. We place great importance on staying safe on the internet. Please have a chat with your child about what they learnt today and remember the SMART Rules.

Well done everyone for your participation!

P1   This can also be downloaded onto your iPad. It’s free!

P 2 and 3  worked on Smartie the Penguin

P4 and P5 listened to the Smart Crew.

P6 and P7 Watched to Caught in The Web from Newsround.

Our P7s also took part in a Safer Intenet Day Video Conference with C2k.

Information for Parents, follow the links below.;jsessionid=BFBDD5A30ABDB2388093E46AB4AE190B


Catholic Schools Week

The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2015: Catholic Schools: A Call to Serve, invites all involved in Catholic education to examine what we understand by service and how we live out the call to serve.  This year, school communities are encouraged to answer the Call to Serve; for example, by reaching out to those who are most in need in society.

There will be a special mass in Holy Trinity Church today at 10am to celebrate Catholic Schools Week.

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a good break and would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to another busy, fun term!

Mass will be held in Holy Trinity Church this morning at 10am to celebrate the Feast Of The Epiphany. Bishop Treanor will also be there.  All welcome.

Christmas Holidays

School will finish for the Christmas holidays at 11.00 on the 22nd December and will reopen on the 6th January.

Mrs Boyd our Principal and staff of Holy Trinity wish our pupils, parents and families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.