Easter Holidays

We finish on Thursday 2nd April at 11am for the Easter holidays! Have a great break and we’ll see you all again on Monday 13th April.

3G Floodlit Sports Facility

Plans are afoot for an exciting new development within the Upper Springfield Community. A shared community Initiative Between Gort Na Mona CLG and Holy Trinity PS will see the complete transformation of the back playground of the school into a modern fit for purpose 21st century 3G Floodlit sports facility. As well as being used every day by the children of Holy Trinity, this facility will also be accessible to all stakeholders within the Upper Springfield community – school teams, local GAA club, local community groups, sports governing bodies etc. Over the coming weeks we hope to engage with all stakeholders within the community as we seek to move this exciting new project forward. Residents and local community groups can view plans for this development by visiting www.planningni.gov.uk and entering the following planning reference number Z/2014/1521/F . Plans will be on display in a number of community buildings including Holy Trinity Church and Youth Centre, Gort Na Mona GAC and within Holy Trinity Primary School fom the 15th April. We encourage the community to actively support this initiative as we seek to promote change for and within our community.

St. Patrick’s Day

 School will be closed on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March.

Don’t forget that St. Patrick’s Day Dress Up day and Concert will be Wednesday 18th March!


P7 Confirmation

Our Primary 7 children will celebrate their Sacrament of Confirmation in Holy Trinity Church, at 11am on Thursday 5th March. All welcome.

Back to School

Hope you all had a great mid term! Back to school today. As it is Ash Wednesday there will be mass at 10am in Holy Trinity Church. All welcome.

Peace Proms

Holy Trinity Choir took part in the Peace Proms Concert this year. It is a cross border concert run by the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. The children sang beautifully in the Odyssey on Sunday 8th February alongside 2,500 other children from schools all around Northern Ireland. They performed with a full symphony orchestra and sang along with other professional musicians and singers. It proved to be a very exciting day and we were so proud of them. We are very proud of their achievement and hope to sing at similar ventures in the future!

Thank you to Mrs Mc Kinney and Miss Donnelly for preparing the choir so well.