Majorie Boxall Quality Mark Award

Congratulations to Holy Trinity Primary School on being presented with the prestigious ‘Majorie Boxall Quality Mark Award’. It is awarded by the ‘Nurture Group Network’ to schools who can demonstrate, through a rigorous examination of evidence and practice, that nurturing principles are applied, not only in the nurture group class but to the whole school. The nurture group class provides a safe place for pupils with social, emotional or behavioural needs and concentrates on developing skills such as turn-taking, listening, sharing, good manners and managing emotions to ensure they are in a more settled and happier place and better able to cope with the demands of the school day.

In her report the Nurture Group Network’s Wendy Roden observed, “The adult support for the children’s emotional, social and cognitive development was clear during the visit and through the evidence provided. The overwhelming feeling was of warmth and sensitivity, not only for the children, but the school community including parents, carers and all staff.”

In her acceptance speech Mrs Boyd expressed her pride on seeing the nurture group children’s increased confidence and improved behaviour and attitude to learning and how they are now thriving in their classes. Mrs Boyd described it as a “privilege and honour to lead a school of such talented and dedicated staff, happy motivated and well-behaved children and interested and caring parents and governors.” Mrs Boyd also thanked Jill Trotter and Brenda Martin from the Education Authority for their tireless work, vision and belief in the value of the programme, which is funded jointly by the Department of Social Development and the Department of Education. Particular praise was reserved for the staff of the nurture group; nurture assistants Mary Manning and Patricia Mc Caugherty and nurture group teacher Ann Heffernan who has worked tirelessly with parents, pupils and staff, providing guidance, advice, support and training to ensure the principles of nurture permeated all aspects of Holy Trinity Primary School.

The ‘Majorie Boxall Quality Mark Award’ was presented by Kevin Kibble (Chief Executive of the Nurture Group Network) and Helen Stollery. Mr Kibble commented on the importance of developing children’s social and emotional skills to help them achieve their full potential, both in school and for life ahead.



Boxall Award

Information From The Principal.

Dear Parent,

I hope you had a great Summer. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child back into school after the holidays. As you are aware there have been a few changes in staff this year and I would like to apologise for the delay in letting you know the name of your child’s new teacher.

Please find the details below:

Mrs Gallagher’s class (previously P1) – this year will have Miss Gallagher in P2

Mrs Mac Manus class (previously P2) this year will have Mrs Walsh in P3

Mrs Harte’s class (previously P3) this year will now have Mr Colgan

P5 Teachers are Mrs Mc Cooe, Miss Mc Laughlin , Mrs Carabine and Miss Mc Kernan.

Miss Ferguson’s P3 class will be going to Mrs Carroll this year but she will be going off on Maternity Leave shortly.

We are interviewing for this post in the next fortnight and will have a teacher in place very quickly.

For the next few weeks the teacher taking your class will be Miss Mc Keever who was with us for term 2 and 3 in P4 last year.

Mrs O Shea who has been with us for many years obtained a post in another school during the summer which created a vacancy. We will be interviewing for this post in the next two weeks for a teacher to take Miss Armstrong’s class from last year(P3).

In the meantime for the next few weeks your child’s P4 class will be taken by Mrs Mc Kavanagh.

Once again I apologise for the delay in letting you know but this was due to circumstances outside our control.

Thank you,

Mrs F Boyd

Back to School!

Holy Trinity will re-open for mainstream children on Monday 31st August 9:00-11:00. No dinners will be available this day.

School will re-open for all children, full days, starting on Tuesday 1st September.


Summer Holidays

We finish tomorrow- Tuesday for the summer holidays. Children will finish at 11:00 and there will be no dinners.

Have a brilliant holiday everyone!

School Timetable from September 2015

P1-3 9:00 – 1:45 Monday

9:00 – 2:00 Tuesday-Friday

P4-7 9:00 – 1:45 Monday

9:00 – 2:45 Tuesday-Friday


P7 Leavers

On Tuesday 23rd June our P7 children will leave Holy Trinity Primary School. They will celebrate their seven years at the school with a special mass in Holy Trinity Church. The mass will take place at 11.00 and the children will leave after this. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and to wish them good luck in their new schools. We would also like to thank the parents /carers of the P7 pupils for their continuous support. Our door is always open and if staff can ever help our past pupils or parents in the future we would be happy to do so.