St Malachy’s Grammar School Visit.

A number of our P6 boys visited St Malachy’s Grammar School on Wednesday 13th April to watch and participate in a “Science of Dragons” exhibition.  The interactive show was inspired by the “How to train your Dragon” stories by Cressida Cowell.  During the exhibition, the children investigated and explored the science behind how dragons fly and breathe fire by focussing on chemical reactions, flight, forces and energy.  The show proved to be great fun and the boys thoroughly enjoyed it.


Guide for Parents on The Social Networks Children Use.

The NSPCC and  O2 have produced a guide to help parents know how to keep their children safe online. They wanted to develop a guide, primarily aimed at parents of 8-12 year olds, about the social networks, apps or games with an interactive element that children use most frequently.

The purpose of the guide is to provide parents with the information they need to understand their child’s online world and help them keep their children safe online

We hope that Net Aware can help give parents the confidence to have balanced and informed conversations about what their children are doing online. The Guide can be found at the link below.

Easter Holidays

Holy Trinity will close for the Easter holidays on  Thursday 24th March at 11am  and will reopen on Monday 4th April.

Happy Easter everyone! We hope you have a lovely break.

St Patrick’s Day

Holy Trinity Primary School will be closed Thursday 17th and Friday 18th March for the St Patrick’s Day break. Well done on our Go For Green Day on Monday! Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

P7 Confirmation

Our Primary 7 children will be making the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 4th March at 11:00 am in Holy Trinity Church. We look forward to celebrating this very special occasion.

Internet Safety

Our BT Right Click Internet Safety Course was a huge success last month and we had over 90 parents and children talking part in this very informative workshop. Thank you to all the P5-P7 parents who attended what proved to be a very thought provoking session. Useful websites for further information: See also their Magazine for Parents.