School Closed Wednesday 17th January.

Apologies but due to the treacherous icy conditions within the school grounds tonight and the surrounding area and also the continuation of the amber weather warning forecast for tomorrow Holy Trinity will close tomorrow to ensure the safety of our school community. Apologies for any inconvenience.

School Holidays

Primary 1-Primary 4 children will finish school at 11:45am on Thursday 21st December.

Primary 5-Primary 7 children will finish school at 11:45 am on Thursday 21st December but will come to school on the Friday 22nd for the Carol Service.  Children will return to school after the Carol Service and will finish at 11am.

School will re-open on Monday 8th January for all children.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for the New year. Thank you for all your support in the past year.

School remains closed.

Holy Trinity will remain closed today- Monday – due to the treacherous conditions. The school grounds and surrounding streets are impassable with ice and snow. The safety of the children is our priority.

F Boyd