Free Microsoft Office

All staff and pupils with a C2k user account can download, free of charge, full copies of Microsoft Office for PC or MAC for use on up to 5 personal devices in 4 easy steps with their C2k credentials.

Get MS Office in 4 easy steps

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your C2k Username in the format
  3. At the next box enter (i) your C2k username auser123  and (ii) password
  4. Download the version of MS Office you require

Is your child starting P1 in September 2019?


This year we have been advised by the Education Authority that the process of applying for a place for your child in P1 for September 2019 will now have to be done digitally. This will apply to every school.
The Education Authority plan to introduce online applications for admissions to Nursery and primary schools for children starting September 2019.
The Go Live date for the new digital admissions is Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at 10.00 am and the closing date for admissions will be 12.00 midnight on Thursday 31 January. Parents will continue to provide birth certificates and other verifying documents to their first preference school. The EA is planning to provide EA assisted support for parents and users of the new system. This will be in the form of a telephone service, enhanced website content and a number of face to face drop in clinics
in January 2019. We will provide you with more information once we receive it.

We will also be providing a number of dates in January (8th, 10th and 17th January from 9.00- 10.00), when parents will be invited to our ICT suite to complete the on line application forms and staff will be available to assist at this time.

If you do require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ugandan Visitors.

Father Aloysius and Emmanuel from our partner school, St Andrew’s in Uganda visited on the 29th of November. They enjoyed a cup of tea with the staff and a catch up of how things are going in St Andrew’s. They then spent some time with our Primary 4 children taking about how some children will be writing letters to exchange with some of the pupils from Uganda. Mrs Fyfe also visited the P4 classes and gave a PowerPoint presentation on her trip to Uganda, explaining what life is like there before Holy Trinity began fundraising for the school.

Christmas Concerts.

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!! We’re really looking forward to our Christmas Concerts this week with the P1-P4 classes. 

P3 and P1 on Tuesday and Wednesday. 
P4 and P2 on Thursday and Friday. 
Choir will also be there  for each show. 9:45 start.

Prize Giving

We had a fabulous afternoon on Thursday 6th December at our Annual Prize Giving ceremony. Huge congratulations to all our worthy winners! It was so good to see so many of you back to visit us and tell us about your new schools.

Thank you to our Board of Governors and local sponsors and visitors.

Thank you to Mrs Webb for all her organisation and to Mrs Mc Kinney,  Miss Donnelly and the children for their wonderful singing. It was a very special afternoon.


Open Day

Our Open Day for children starting P1 in September 2019 with be held on Wednesday 5th December at 9:30. All welcome.

Admissions for 2019

Is your child starting P1 in September 2019?

This year we have been advised by the Education Authority that the process of applying for a place for your child in P1 for September 2019 will now have to be done digitally. This will apply to every school.

We will explain the process in more detail at our Open Morning on the 5th December at 9.30.

The Education Authority plan to introduce online applications for admissions to Nursery and primary schools for children starting September 2019.

The Go Live date for the new digital admissions is Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at 10.00 am and the closing date for admissions will be 12.00 midnight on Thursday 31 January.

Parents will continue to provide birth certificates and other verifying documents to their first preference school.

The EA is planning to provide EA assisted support for parents and users of the new system. This will be in the form of a telephone service, enhanced website content and a number of face to face drop in clinics in January 2019. We will provide you with more information once we receive it.

We will also be providing a number of dates in January (10th and 17th January from 9.00-10.00), when parents will be invited to our ICT suite to complete the on line application forms and staff will be available to assist at this time.

If you do require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us

Thank you


Mrs F Boyd