Cyber safety Workshops for P5

A big thank you Allstate for their cyber safety workshop with our Primary 5s and LSC3 and 4  classes today. They delivered a great message on Stop, Think, Tell. The children learnt how to stay safe online, thinking about:

•Friend or Pretend

•Screen out the mean

•Beware what you share

Through the presentation and games the children increased their awareness of online safety and received a brilliant goodie bag at the end! A great session!

Parents, you can chat with your child about what they learnt today by clicking on this link :

Our SUPERSMART eSafety Assembly!

What a day we had today! Key Stage 2 were treated to a brilliant Assembly by P5MML and P5LMA. Mrs Mc Laughlin’s class and Miss Hughes class delivered very important messages about online safety. The P5-P7 children learnt all about how to stay super SMART on the internet. Well done Primary 5!

The Digital Leaders introduced themselves at the end and told us about what they do. eSafetysaurus enjoyed dancing with the catchy P5 safety song!


Halloween dress up day will be on Friday 25th October.

School will close that day at the usual time for a week. We will be open again on Monday 4th November. Have a lovely break.

P3 Assembly

Well done to our brilliant Primary 3s this morning for their fabulous assembly! P3BH and P3CMC treated us to our own lovely Holy Trinity Bake Off, with their special ingredients for learning this year! We then had a surprise visit from our 12 new Digital Leaders and eSafetysaurus to tell us about our October eSafety Code- Beware What you Share. Well done boys and girls!

Important Dates For Your Diary.

15th October 10.00 First Communion Enrolment

19th November- 10.00 Service of Commitment – P7

28th November 10.45- Service of Light- P7

13th February 10.45 First Penance Enrolment

2nd April- 1.00 First Penance

13th June 11.00 First Communion

New Morning Club

Last year, parents had asked about the possibility of a morning club similar to the one operating in St Martin’s. We will operate a morning club from 8.30 for pupils in P1-P4. This will be supervised by classroom assistants and there will be a weekly fee the same as St Martin’s. This will begin on the 30th September and you will receive more information later in the month.


Parent Courses

This year Mr White will be sending out information about parent courses. If you are interested in attending, or if you have any suggestions please contact Mr White. We hope to continue to work in partnership with our parents.

Essential Skills in ICT- starts Friday 20th September 1.00-3.00

Essential Skills in English- starts Tuesday 17th September 1.00-3.00



Curriculum Meetings

Your child’s curriculum meeting will take place during the month of September. It is important that you make every effort to attend as you will be given important information about the school and the curriculum your child will be following this year. Mrs Boyd will address the meeting and then the teachers will meet with parents to discuss what they are planning this year. It will last approximately 30 minutes.

17th September- 3.00- P5 and P6 Curriculum Meeting

18th September- 9.15- P3 and P4 Curriculum Meeting

19th September- 9.15- P1 and P2 Curriculum Meeting

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! We look forward to starting the new term and getting back to work.

We start the year with Mass this morning for P2-P7 in Holy Trinity Church at 10am. All welcome.

Summer Holidays

School will close for the summer holidays on Friday 28th June at 11am. There will be no dinners on this day. School will re-open on Friday 30th August. It will close at 11:45am on this day. There will be NO dinners.School will re-open on Monday 2nd September and will finish at 1:45pm as normal for all children.

We take this opportunity to thank you for all your support and cooperation throughout the year and we hope parents and children have a lovely summer break.