If you join the group it will enable you to vote. Thank you.
If you join the group it will enable you to vote. Thank you.
Please see attached information regarding autism training that has been secured for Belfast Family Support Hubs. Places are limited and Hub referrals from Upper Springfield/Whiterock area are required to access this training for parents. Programmes will be in April, May & June. Parents can self refer.
With thanks
Carol Bailie
What a day! The school is buzzing and the sound of children fills the air!!! Just how it should be! Great to see everyone back together again!
We’ve made it boys and girls! Back to school on Monday for everyone! We can’t wait to see you all!!! So excited!!!!
Please see the letter from Mrs Boyd regarding return to school arrangements at this link.
Well done boys and girls, a busy week!
Dear parents,
It was wonderful to welcome some of our pupils back to school this week. Whilst we haven’t yet received official confirmation, it would appear that pupils in P1 to P3 and the children in our LSC’s will now be remaining in school for face to face teaching until Easter, which is great news. We hope that a decision will be made to enable our P4- P7 pupils to return to school soon. I will keep you informed of any updates.
ST PATRICK’S DAY School will be closed on the 17th March for St Patrick’s Day and will re-open on the 18th March. On Tuesday 16th March we will be having a “Green Day”, where children are encouraged to come to school wearing something green. We may not be able to have our usual St Patrick’s Day concert this year but we can still have some fun.
Art and Craft Packs I would like to take this opportunity to thank local councillor, Michael Donnelly, for securing funding from the Belfast Council Covid Community Fund, to provide all the pupils in P1-P3 and LSC’s with Art Packs. We hope that the children will use these packs to make you a lovely card for Mother’s Day. Thank you Michael and the Surestart team from Upper Springfield.