Mrs Boyd’s Christmas Message.

Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this very difficult year. I hope that you and your family will have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.
This year we were due to finish school at 11.00am on Thursday 23rd December. Instead, the children will now finish school on Wednesday 22nd December at normal finishing time. This is to enable our cleaning staff to come into school to complete a deep clean of all areas before the Christmas break.
to Remember

 17th December – Christmas Jumper Day
 22nd December- school will close for the Christmas holidays at normal
time on Wednesday 22nd December.
 6th January- school will re-open after the Christmas holidays.
 10th January- online applications open for pupils due to start P1 in September 2022.
 28th January- Closing date for online applications for P1.

Our Virtual Open Day video is now available to view on our school website.
We hope that you enjoy the virtual Christmas concerts which will be posted on our website week beginning the 20th December.

On behalf of myself and the staff and governors of Holy Trinity Primary School, we wish you all a very happy Christmas and a happy New Year.
Thank you

Mrs F Boyd

Winner of the WBP Community Environment Award.

We are delighted to win the West Belfast Partnership Community Environment Award- Translink Belfast Transport Hub Environment Award for the rejuvenation of our Sensory Garden. Led by Mr Kelly, the children worked hard to make our garden a great outdoor learning space. It is now used for relaxation, mindfulness and story time. Congratulations to Mr Kelly, Mrs Smyth and the children.

Be Internet Legends

This week our Key Stage 2 children participated in the Google ‘Be internet Legends’ online safety assembly. They learnt how to stay safe online and protect their personal information.

Check out the links below for more information and to let your child play ‘Interland.’

Interland is an adventure-packed online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun. Children will help their fellow Internauts combat badly behaved hackers, phishers, oversharers, and bullies by practicing the skills they need to be good digital citizens.  In the game, players explore four floating islands: Kind Kingdom, Reality River, Mindful Mountain, and Tower of Treasure.  Each island features a different mini game with a different Internet lesson.

Check out Be Internet Legends

P5-P7s : Let your child play the online safety game here.

Camogie Champs!

The Staff and pupils of Holy Trinity would like to extend our congratulations to Niamh on her recent success and deepest gratitude for giving up her time to visit us with the Jack McGrath Cup! Niamh is the Antrim All Ireland Intermediate Camogie champion! Thank you Niamh, we had a great day.

Pre School Supervision

Dear Parent,

This year we will once again be providing early morning supervision for any parents who require it for their child. It will take place daily from 8.30 am to 8.50 am. At 8.50 am, the children will be escorted to their classroom. The cost will be £3.00 per week. If you would like to avail of this, please send a Seesaw message to the class teacher. If there is sufficient interest in this, we will begin this on the 4th October.

Thank you Mrs F Boyd

ICT Success for Holy Trinity with the NaaceMark.

Congratulations to the children, parents, staff and Governors of Holy Trinity!

We are delighted to be awarded the NaaceMark for the 4th time! Back in June we had a comprehensive assessment from Mr Andy Murden from the Naace Board of Management. He spoke with our children, staff, parents and Governors to find out about how the school harnesses the effective use of technology.

Holy Trinity Primary School has a well-established relationship with Naace and has been a member for nearly a decade. Over this period, the Self-Review Framework has become embedded in the school’s ICT practice as it strives for continuous improvement through positive use of education technologies. 

The Self-Review Framework supports schools in three key areas; understanding where they are in their technology strategy, planning the next stages and recording their progress. 

Access to and effective use of education technologies, along with innovative teaching, plays a huge part in driving high standards that allow pupils to reach and exceed their potential. 

Laurence Boulter, Chair of Naace, commented: “The Naace Self-Review Framework is all about school improvement and effective use of education technologies. It helps schools pinpoint where they are in the edtech strategy and identify next steps, all while recording their progress. Holy Trinity Primary School is an excellent example of using the framework to elevate the use of technology in their school, improving both teaching and learning. Being awarded the Naace Mark is testament to the continuous improvement the school has demonstrated – we look forward to continuing to support them.”