Christmas Concert

The Annual Christmas  Concert is on this week in the Senior Hall on

four separate mornings lasting 1 hour from 10am-11am.  The tickets are £2 each.

There are a few changes to the Concert this year:

Primary 2 and Primary 3 children only will take part in the Concert for 2 days

(Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th December)


Primary 1, Primary 4 and Primary 5 children only will take part in the Concert for 2 days

(Thursday 13th and Friday 14th December)


Recorder and Brass will take part every day.

Primary 6 and Primary 7 Children will not be taking part in the Concert this year as Primary 7 will be doing a Musical Production in June.

Primary 6 children will do a Carol Service on Monday 17th December in the Church.


In order to avoid disappointment, parents are asked to return the slip below with your remittance of £2 to your child’s teacher





Please select ticket for the day your child will take part:


First Day         Tuesday           11  December – 10am                 o

(Primary 2 and Primary 3 children only)


Second Day      Wednesday       12  December – 10am                 o

(Primary 2 and Primary 3 children only)   


Third Day        Thursday          13  December – 10am                 o

(Primary 1, Primary 4 and Primary 5 children only)


Fourth Day      Friday              14  December – 10am                 o

(Primary 1, Primary 4 and Primary 5 children only)


Please enter your choice by numbering 1, 2 or 3 for your preferred day .


CHILD’S NAME:          ____________________________


CHILD’S CLASS:         ______________



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