Holy Trinity gains prestigious ICT Mark Award for the third time!

Children at Holy Trinity Primary School in Belfast are at the forefront of using technology to enhance their work, and that’s official! Following an extensive external assessment by Mrs Marshall from NAACE, Holy Trinity has been awarded the prestigious ICT Mark.  The award recognises the school’s success in developing the strategic use of technology in both administration and across the curriculum. Parents will have proof that their children are attending a school at the forefront of modern technology.

Our Principal, Mrs Boyd commented “On behalf of Holy Trinity Primary School, I am delighted to be awarded the ICT Mark. It recognises our positive approach to the use of technology and the benefits it is bringing to our children. We believe that technology can be used in every aspect of learning and that it is essential our children are equipped for the modern world.We are very proud to gain this award again which recognises all the hard work of our staff and pupils.”

Mrs Rooney , our ICT Coordinator, involved in ensuring the school was ready for ICT Mark assessment, commented:“I am really pleased that the presentation of this award shows recognition of the excellent work that is taking place at our School. Applying for the award really brought into focus the ICT work that we are doing each and every day.  All the children and staff deserve credit for this achievement.”


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