Mid Term

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Mid Term Break

The school will be closed for midterm break from Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November. School will resume as normal on Monday 6th November.

Dress Up Day

On Friday 26th October we will have a Halloween Dress Up Day. Children can come in wearing Halloween costumes or in their own clothes. We would ask families who are able to contribute £1.00 per child or £2.00 per family towards school funds. This is a voluntary contribution. Thank you


If you are interested in obtaining a recognised Essential Skills qualification in Maths and also gaining the skills and knowledge to help your child with their maths work, People First will be delivering an Essential Skills Maths programme in Holy Trinity Primary School.

An information session will be held in the staff room on Wednesday 25th October from 9.00-9.30. Everyone welcome

Thank you

Mrs F Boyd

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