eSafety Consultation

Consultation opened on 04 March 2019. Closing date is 29 April 2019. Click HERE to access the questionnaire.

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) invites your views on their draft e-Safety Strategy and Three Year Action Plan for Northern Ireland 2019 – 2022.

This consultation seeks your views on their new e-Safety Strategy which sets out how all children and young people in Northern Ireland can, as far as possible, be kept safe and secure online. They aim to gather the views and suggestions about this strategy from children and young people, their parents and carers, all organisational stakeholders with an interest in safeguarding and the protection of children and young people so that they can make best use of the educational, social and economic benefits of the online world, while keeping them safe from potential harm online.

Consultation Description

They wish to develop a comprehensive cross-government action plan that will improve e-safety by:

  • Reflecting existing evidence of good practice in e-safety approaches
  • Engaging with existing e-safety mechanisms in the UK, seeking to add value and not duplicate
  • Educating and supporting children and young people, and those responsible for their care and safety, to develop skills and knowledge to stay safe online
  • Facilitating the responsible use of digital and internet technology
  • Providing information on how to handle online abuse if it occurs and facilitating access to age-appropriate support services including recovery services.

Please click the link above if you would like to take part in the consultation.


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